Jaffrey Bible Church Food Pantry
We never know when hardship may come knocking or how long it may last. When it does, it can be devastating– no matter who it visits or even if it’s a relatively short time. In those difficult times any kind of help can be a tremendous relief.
Here at JBC, we want to help in any way we can. One of the ways we do this is by offering a food pantry, available free to anyone who attends JBC. Located in the Fellowship Hall kitchen, the pantry is stocked with a large variety of non-perishable foods, as well as personal hygiene and household items.
Should your family ever be in need of a little help with groceries, please check out the pantry and help yourself to whatever you may need. If you are not in need at this time, but would like to help those who may be, there is a basket for donations located near the front entrance. (All donations are greatly appreciated, but we do ask that the food(s) be non-perishable only and NOT past expiration dates.)
If you have any questions about the food pantry, please contact Kim Matheson at (603) 532-1177.
If you are not a regular attender, we would still like to help you.
Please call the office at (603) 532-6931.